Hardening Off

Today was the first day I took the seedlings out to harden them off. I thought we had some upper 30’s weather predicted for this weekend, but turns out the forecast has changed, and it’s gonna only get down to the mid 40’s. So it’s time to get these guys ready to go out into the mostly warm, cruel world.  And on that note I need to get my squash/zucchini planted this week too. Last year I lost them pretty early to squash vine borers, so I’m starting earlier this year.  I meant to start them indoors sooner, but I let time slip away on me…

I have been researching the heck out of avocado trees of late, because I’d love to have one or two.  I called the county extension agent, and he said he’d never heard of anyone successfully getting fruit off an avocado tree. I also ran across a blog from a guy in Houston who was trying desperately to get avocados to fruit north of I-10. I emailed him, told him my location, and he told me not to bother.  hahaha  But I’m still researching anyway.  I did find a couple of varieties that are supposed to be cold hardy down to about 15 degrees, and I read that if you want to plant an avocado tree you need to put them on a berm because they need well drained soil. That berm sounds like a job for my hubby, and I’m not sure how eager to be recruited he’ll be. We have a scrubby tree to the south of our mulberry tree, and if we take that out, it might be a good location for the avocado trees.  Might.  More research is necessary before I waste a bunch of money on trees.

As I was checking on the garden this am I noticed a sugar snap pea that had sprouted out of the pile of mushroom compost we have left. When I first filled my beds I did them with 100% mushroom compost then decided that wasn’t a good direction, so I had to scoop it out. Of course I had already planted the garden, so that determined little pea was from my first attempt to start my late winter garden. I think I’ll just leave it for the fun of it/research.

Today was the first episode of Weigh in Wednesdays over on my YouTube channel. If you’re interested in following my weight loss journey go check out that episode. I’m mostly vlogging so I can hold myself accountable. I doubt it’ll get many (if any) views, but it’ll be neat to go back and watch my transformation.

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