
If You Build It They Will Come

That may be a terrible marketing strategy for a cornfield converted to a baseball diamond, but it certainly holds true for garden pests.  Our beds are brand new & in a new location this year, but it didn’t take the bad bugs long to find it...

Thinning the Greens

I don’t really care for greens, but my mother-in-law loves them. So I planted a few squares for her. They’ve been due for a thinning for a couple weeks, but I always feel like a plant murderer so I hate doing it. But it was desperately...

Babies’ Day Out

When should I integrate my chicks & mama in with the rest of the flock? I’ve been puzzling over that for days. It’s kinda tricky to do for several reasons. Because chickens are mean. The older hens/roos will peck at the babies. The...

All Is Not Lost

I was a bit under the weather yesterday. I’m still not 100%, but I am feeling better. So I took a stroll out to the garden to check on my seedlings.  It was time to water them again. I cannot wait to get my drip irrigation set up! As I was...

Hardening Off

Today was the first day I took the seedlings out to harden them off. I thought we had some upper 30’s weather predicted for this weekend, but turns out the forecast has changed, and it’s gonna only get down to the mid 40’s. So...

Only 1 to Go

Not much time spent out in the garden today, but we still got a lot done. I needed to water & fertilize the garden. I still don’t have my drip irrigation hooked up & it hasn’t rained in a couple days. Most of my plants are so...

1 Down & 3 to Go

We finally put up cattle panels on one of my garden beds. My sugar snap peas will be ready to climb very, very soon, so they’ll be thrilled when they discover their new trellis. Yes. I am anthropomorphizing plants. You spend enough time in the...

Blooming Saucer Magnolia

One of the most unique trees on our property is our Saucer Magnolia tree.  Each spring before it puts out leaves it first adorns itself with lovely pink flowers. It was already budded out this year when our epic freeze descended for 5 days. The...

Liberating the LBS

Before I address the subject line I figured I’d give you an update on the farm & garden. In case you didn’t read my blog posts from last week my broody mama hatched out 12 of the 13 eggs I set under her. Given the freezing temps we...
