All Is Not Lost

I was a bit under the weather yesterday. I’m still not 100%, but I am feeling better. So I took a stroll out to the garden to check on my seedlings.  It was time to water them again. I cannot wait to get my drip irrigation set up!

As I was watering the garden and checking the rest of the plants on the property, I noticed that there were still some apple blossoms on my trio apple tree. I really thought the freeze had bit them. Fortunately, there were some later bloomers, so looks like we’ll have apples this year after all!

My chicks are about 2.5 weeks old now, and they’re starting to lose their down feathers which are being replaced by real feathers. I did a quick check, and it appears that 5 or 6 of the chicks are probably little cockerels. Their combs are a bit more pronounced. Some of the chicks are Easter Egger mixes, so their combs won’t really get bigger until they’re older. Hopefully the 50/50 ratio of pullets to cockerels holds true.

I also noticed that one of my little blackberry bushes was starting to put on leaves in earnest. It was a lot slower grower than the rest of my plants, so I was worried that the freeze had killed it. Turns out I was wrong yet again!

On the way back to the house I also noticed that some of my herbs were bouncing back – oregano, mint, thyme, lemon balm. The rosemary, however, is toast.

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Further reading

Hardening Off

Today was the first day I took the seedlings out to harden them off. I thought we had some upper 30’s weather predicted for this weekend, but...
